Theatre Impresario

Theatre Impresario

I am creating my own Comedy Sketch acting troupe to interpret short comedy sketches. With the longer thirty second plus ones lines have to be learned, but the quick -fire ten second burst comedy ones don’t even require that. A look at the piece of paper and off you go being enough.

The sketches will be in English but with a smaller selection done in Catalan for the Catalan Corner/ Raço Català section of my web site.

With the present day technology available I have decided to start up a media organisation called iD media. With the technical side covered all I have to do is be Los Angeles in reverse and find waiters and waitresses/ cambrers i cambreras who haven’t given acting a thought and put them in front of the camera.

For the quick fire comedy they don’t need to act they just need to be themselves, which isn’t as easy as it sounds when the camera is on you. (Personally I find that wooden feeling comes over me.) With the longer short comedy the main test is to remember the lines, attempting anything else usually leading to a bit of a train wreck.

Everything is set fair. The sun is on my terrace with the view of the West front of Girona Cathedral and the days are back at the nice bright level needed for filming - natural lighting for the actor's best ‘My dear you’re sat on it’ side.


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