

Every repetitious job, or any sequence within a job not requiring high end thought will disappear in the next fifteen years. But what are people going to do? Write bad poetry? If Woody Allen’s film ‘Sleeper’ is a guide, then yes. As Woody Allen’s documentary clearly shows fewer people are going to be needed for work, so some kind of universal income is going to have to come in given how more and more people are going to be unemployable. I’m all for it - Universal income to cover being potentially unemployable. I don't think such universal income guarantees will stop people from becoming hedge-fund managers as people who should be unemployable fear but the big difference will be how no one will be forced to suffer from the consequences of such venal people’s actions. There will be two incomes working in parallel - the secured one and the speculative one. No one will starve to death because someone sells dodgy stock short - but people will still be able to sell dodgy stock short, even though with Universal income around there will be less and less demand for the filthy lucre, and all of us can surely applaud that. So, it's the creative life for me as well as everyone else by the sound of it.

I don't suppose though, that the general system that's been in place for centuries - the one that fails to recognize artistic talent will change, but at least now with computer technology a creative person can miss the middle man out and generate as many copies of their own poetry as the future can read. 


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